Download our new BCUSU Rewards app to start earning rewards!

person talking to computer

Thinking of using AI in assessments?

Make sure you know the rules and new guidance from BCU...

Group of 15 students, mixed genders and races holding a large banner that reads "Reclaim the night 2

Raising your voice at BCU

Ways to make change at university and have your voice heard....


Upcoming Events

Find out what’s on across campus and Birmingham

illustration of coats, hoodies, a scarf and a bagpack Coat Drive
14th October 10am - 31st January 4pm
BCUSU Reception, Curzon Building (first floor)
Cold this autumn? Take a coat or donate one
Graphic image which reads 'Tuesday Cocktail Club' in neon text. With Eagle & Ball logo on bottom left Cocktail Club
3rd December 6pm - 11pm
Eagle & Ball, Gopsal St
Enjoy two cocktails for £9.95 - Tuesday evenings only!
Crochet/Cross Stitch
3rd December 6pm - 7:30pm
Curzon C284
Come join us in C284 where you can either do more cross stitch or make crochet scrunchies!
Games Night
4th December 4am - 8am
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Join our societies

Getting involved with a society can really make a difference to your university experience!

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