Big Welcome 2024: join our mailing list for early updates


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Student using phone

Results update automatically when filtered

Two BCUSU student staff members working at Big Welcome Fair

Join our team...

View student job vacancies at BCUSU

Illustration of Rep holding a tannoy

Become a Lead Rep

Applications to become Lead Reps for your College are open until Monday 12th August

Group of 15 students, mixed genders and races holding a large banner that reads "Reclaim the night 2

Raising your voice at BCU

Ways to make change at university and have your voice heard.

Student dancing at BCU's Big Welcome Fair 2023

Big Welcome 2024

Get updates for September by joining our mailing list

BCUSU Officer Team 2023/24

The Roaries Awards 2024

View the results from your Students' Union awards!

Your 2024/25 Officer Team

Your Officer Team 2024/25

As your Officer Team 2024/25 train for their roles, read their manifestos here

NUS citizen card for voting

Claim free voter ID card

Save £18 with NUS to get your CitizenCard

Turn up to vote

Register to vote!

Prepare for the UK's next General Election

Students gathered outside Birmingham Council building during Reclaim the Night march

Women's History Month recap

Prav and Ashween reflect on their Reclaim the Night march

BCU's Seacole Building at City South Campus

Multi-faith spaces

Your VP Equity & Inclusion gives an update on faith spaces at BCU

BCUSU Advice Team

Protect yourself from scams

Read on for advice on how to identify and report potential scams

Image BCU's Catering deals poster in Curzon Canteen

Student feedback secures 40% discount

Now available at BCU Catering campus outlets

Help make BCU a Hedgehog friendly campus

Get involved with sustainability at BCU...

Where I can make change...

Luke talks through some of his key meetings and what impact they have...



Join our team...
Two BCUSU student staff members working at Big Welcome Fair

View student job vacancies at BCUSU

Become a Lead Rep
Illustration of Rep holding a tannoy

Applications to become Lead Reps for your College are open until Monday 12th August

Raising your voice at BCU
Group of 15 students, mixed genders and races holding a large banner that reads "Reclaim the night 2

Ways to make change at university and have your voice heard.

Big Welcome 2024
Student dancing at BCU's Big Welcome Fair 2023

Get updates for September by joining our mailing list

The Roaries Awards 2024
BCUSU Officer Team 2023/24

View the results from your Students' Union awards!

Women's History Month recap
Students gathered outside Birmingham Council building during Reclaim the Night march

Prav and Ashween reflect on their Reclaim the Night march

Claim free voter ID card
NUS citizen card for voting

Save £18 with NUS to get your CitizenCard

Register to vote!
Turn up to vote

Prepare for the UK's next General Election

Responding to Middle East crisis
Image of damaged buildings and rubble in road following air attack in Gaza

See what support is available for anyone impacted by the conflict in Israel, Palestine and Gaza

Multi-faith spaces
BCU's Seacole Building at City South Campus

Your VP Equity & Inclusion gives an update on faith spaces at BCU

Your Officer Team 2024/25
Your 2024/25 Officer Team

As your Officer Team 2024/25 train for their roles, read their manifestos here

Where I can make change...

Luke talks through some of his key meetings and what impact they have...

Student feedback secures 40% discount
Image BCU's Catering deals poster in Curzon Canteen

Now available at BCU Catering campus outlets

Protect yourself from scams
BCUSU Advice Team

Read on for advice on how to identify and report potential scams

Help make BCU a Hedgehog friendly campus

Get involved with sustainability at BCU...

Beware of rental scams
Image of students sitting on outdoor bench in courtyard

Read for how to protect yourself from recent housing scams

Sign up for a GP and dentist
BCU student nurse montoring patient

For physical and mental health, register to a GP during your studies

Black Things UK comes to BCU
Image of Nathan Keseka, with owners of Black Things UK

Black ran creative business teaches students entrepreneurial skills

Using ChatGPT to write an essay?
laptop using chatGPT

Use of AI such as ChatGPT CAN be detected by the university

Men's mental health support
Stock image of student receiving advice and counselling in doctors office. Doctor is sat on chair ho

Support you can access for good mental health at University and more...

Laptop loan new accessibility feature
Image of BCU Laptop lockers, shows menu screen before loaning

How to use new lapsafes feature at uni campuses

Report and Support tool

Use Report & Support to raise incidents of discrimination, bullying or hate crime

Learn basic CPR training
Image of person testing compressions on pillow whilst looking at instructions on mobile phone

Check out these steps British Heart Foundation and more information...

Period Dignity pilot: survey results
Graphic of period products and three thumbs up

Take a look at feedback from BCU's free period products scheme

Welcome Suzy...
Image of Suzy Stevenson, BCUSU Chief Executive

BCUSU announce Suzy Stevenson as our new Chief Executive.

Our sustainability goals...

Learn how to be more sustainable with your Students' Union

Free period products...
illustration of tampon and pad

Period Dignity project launches to provide free period products for students who need them

Our transport campaign...
Dhanusha and Simranvir with students holding signs for transport campaign

We're asking for 6 months free public transport for students

Cost of Living
cost of living thumbnail

See what we’re doing to help you tackle the Cost of Living crisis