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Black Things UK comes to BCU

Black ran creative business teaches students entrepreneurial skills

Image of Nathan Keseka, with owners of Black Things UK


BCUSU VP Opportunities & Community brings black business owners to BCU to talk about entrepreneurship and networking skills

Nathan Keseka, VP Opps & Community, recently held an engaging and insightful event to bring together students, staff, and the founders of Black Things UK, Nyle Mcintosh and Anton Leon.

Black Things UK is an organisation dedicated to promoting diversity, representation, and opportunity for Black individuals in various fields. Nyle and Anton, delivered a captivating talk, highlighting the organisation's mission, values, and the vast array of opportunities they offer to students.

During their presentation, Nyle and Anton shed light on the importance of community building, mentorship, and entrepreneurship. They shared their personal journeys, emphasising the significance of persistence and self-belief in overcoming challenges and achieving success. The founders also introduced several ongoing initiatives that BCU students could participate in, including internships and placements opportunities.

A highlight of the event was the opportunity for students to network and build connections within the BCU community. The interactive session facilitated conversations, idea exchanges, and the forging of new friendships. The collaborative atmosphere made an environment of support and inspiration, allowing students to feel motivated and empowered to pursue their dreams.

Speaking about the event, Nathan, said:

"We are delighted to have hosted Nyle and Anton from Black Things UK. Their passion, insights, and the numerous opportunities they have extended to our students are truly remarkable. We hope that this event has ignited a spark within our students and encouraged them to explore their potential.

"I would like to give big thanks to Nicole Riley who was a big part in making this event happen as well as also giving students great careers advice."

For further information about Black Things UK and the opportunities they provide, please email

Social media coverage done by Stantara De Freitas. Photo taken by Joshua Muganza.

Find out more about Black Things UK

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