General Election 2024: Here's everything you need to know as a student to cast your vote.

HARs Society (High Achievers Recognition Scheme)


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About HARs Society (High Achievers Recognition Scheme)

This society launched in 2018/19 with the aim provide a platform for high achieving students to foster a community of practice that is both welcoming and responsive to the student voice alongside the academic scheme that nurtures high achieving students to become their best self (academically, socially and professionally). Alongside this they also raised awareness of the University's High Achievers Recognition scheme.

Each society is led by a team of students, but so far no one has been successfully elected to be a committee member for 2020/21. The committee roles that are needed are explained in this video...


Would you be interested in being a committee member for this new society? If yes, please express your interest here.

Interest List

If you join our free Interest List, you will be added to our mailing list temporarily. This means that if we manage to relaunch the society, you'll be able to hear from the new committee and find out what they have planned for the society!

No elections running at the moment
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HARs Society (High Achievers Recognition Scheme) News Articles