General Election 2024: Here's everything you need to know as a student to cast your vote.

Disabled Students


  • Disabled Students - Standard Membership£0.00

About Disabled Students

What We Do


We're funded by your Students' Union to host events and activities that reach out to students with a disability. We met you during Welcome Week and Refreshers Week to provide a space for peer support, and a relaxing environment to make friends. This group is provided as a safe space to talk about the struggles our members face while at university and get the encouragement and empathy they need. We regularly attend Welcome Fair, so come by to Welcome Fair and chat to us - or if that's not your scene, get in touch!

Our Long Term Goal of Change

We exist because it is "hard being a student, and even harder being a disabled student". Each year we will create a group the committee and others can rely on for peer support, and gather what we feel needs to change to fulfil our academic needs. This past year we've met with the University's Equality Diversity and Inclusion department manager, to share our thoughts on problems with facilities on campus like faulty elevators. 

Committee Members:

Name Role
Conor O'Donovan Participation and Inclusion Officer


We are looking for students to fill our committee positions, if you are interested in this, please click the email link below to let us know.

If you wish to get involved, you can sign up by logging in to the website, or email for more information.

We are a Liberation Society!

Our Society is a Liberation Society, which means we never close down, are free to join and are funded by your Students' Union for our events and activities.

This is because we represent a key demographic of Birmingham City University, and are recognised by the National Union of Students as part of their Liberation Campaign.

No elections running at the moment
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Check out latest society event

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