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Brianna Ghey: Protecting trans youth

Stand with trans community following death of 16 year old...

Image of 16 year old Brianna Ghey Image of 16 year old Brianna Ghey


On the afternoon of Saturday Feburary 11th, Brianna Ghey, a 16 year old trans girl, was brutally murdered. Brianna was deeply failed by those who should’ve protected her and now no one will see the beautiful woman she was destined to become.

It is not enough to just stand by and “not be transphobic”, we need real allies actively fighting against the systematic eradication of transgender individuals. Brianna wasn’t the first soul to come to this tragic end, and it’s down to all of us to make sure these atrocities never happen again.

Trans rights are human rights, and we aren’t going anywhere.


Need of support? Get in touch with the following services:

How can I get involved?

There is a vigil being held tomorrow at 6.30pm outside The Hippodrome, organised by Birmingham LGBT & Transpectrum. Please come along to pay your respects, wear a mask and stay safe.

Birmingham Vigil information

Join BCU LGBTQ+ Society

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