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Sexual Health

Advisor talking to student

Umbrella is a free and confidential sexual health service in Birmingham and Solihull. They provide all types of contraception, STI testing and treatment.


If you want to avoid becoming pregnant, many types of contraception are available.

Emergency contraception ('the morning after pill’) is free for most people in the UK, and there are are about 15 types to choose from. Find out what's available and where you can get it.

Free contraception and condoms are available from:

Find your nearest sexual health service, including contraceptive clinics. If you're in Birmingham or Solihull find your nearest Umbrella clinic below.

Find nearest Umbrella clinic


Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

If you think you have an STI, the earlier you're tested, the sooner treatment can be given if needed. Many people with STIs do not get symptoms, so it's worth getting tested even if you feel fine.

You can get tested for STIs at sexual health clinics - find services near you.

Find out where you can get a free chlamydia test through the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (under-25s only). You can request a free self-sampling kit from Umbrella below.

Order free STI kit online


Pregnancy and abortion

If you are thinking of having a baby, the NHS pregnancy guide contains information to have a healthy and happy pregnancy.

If you cannot continue with a pregnancy, there are places which can refer you to abortion services, such as a GP or sexual health clinic. 

For more about abortions


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