Read my tips to help reduce your stress before the winter break. 
1. Work on assessments early
Aim to complete drafts and submit your assessments as early as possible. Complete them before the winter break so you can enjoy your holiday.
2. Get assessment feedback
Unsure how to tackle your assignments? Ask for feedback from your module leaders so you know how and where to improve. Check when your tutors are available before and after the break
3. Use BCU’s Centre for Academic Success
They can help with:
- Computing and programming
Centre for Academic Success also provide workshops and one-to-one tutorials.
Contact them:
Phone: 0121 331 7685
Visit: Curzon (C142), first floor
4. Apply for Extenuating Circumstances (EC) if necessary
ECs are events that affect your ability to study or your performance in an assessment.
They are usually issues such as illness (both physical and mental), bereavement, urgent caring responsibilities, or being a victim of crime. Your circumstance may not be listed but the key point is that your circumstances are temporary and unexpected.
Before you make a claim, make sure you check out our Advice Team’s information
Extenuating Circumstances support
5. Plan your workload
Keep a checklist of all upcoming deadlines, break tasks into smaller, manageable steps and set achievable deadlines to stay on track without feeling overwhelmed. Purchase a diary from our Campus Shops, or get a free wallplanner at BCUSU Reception.
6. Celebrate your progress
Take regular breaks to recharge, balance work with self-care (getting enough sleep, eating well etc.) and reward yourself for completing tasks, no matter how small. This will help you stay motivated.
Don’t feel guilty about taking breaks, and being unproductive, if sometimes you forget to celebrate yourself
7. Use wellbeing support
If you’re struggling to keep on top of your assessments and university life, contact your Personal Tutor. If you think you need mental health support contact BCU’s Mental Health & Wellbeing team for guidance and extra support.