Accessibility Tools
In order for us to monitor our recruitment and selection process in relation to our equal opportunities policy we ask all job applicants to answer the following questions but it is not compulsory and will not affect your application if you do not.
Equal Opportunities Policy Statement
“We are proud of the diversity of our students and see it as an asset to our Union. We are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment which is free from discrimination. We will challenge any action that deprives anyone of their rights to this environment.”
The Students’ Union is committed to being an equal opportunities employer. We will ensure that our pool of recruitment is as diverse as possible to help ensure that our staff are representative of our students and of Birmingham itself. We will eliminate unfair discrimination at each stage of the recruitment process and throughout an individual’s period of employment.
The information you provide will be remain anonymous, will be treated in the strictest confidence and retained solely for monitoring purposes. This form will not be seen by the recruitment panel and Individual records are destroyed at the end of each recruitment cycle. Only overall figures are retained for statistical reporting.
Equal Opportunities
To assist with our equal opportunities monitoring, please complete the following.