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  • 33 score
    35 voters

    Providing a permanent Prayer Room at City South Campus

    • Support and Wellbeing
    Room SCT130 which was allocated as the contemplation/faith room has now been closed and converted to a meeting room.

    As you can imagine this has caused unnecessary hassle as practising students need to leave the campus multiple times throughout the day to attend Bevan or Ravensbury building to observe prayer. Also as the day gets darker this makes travelling to the different campus unsafe with the lack of security.

    Students of all faith’s, practising or non-practising are now left with no permanent prayer/ contemplation room within the seacole campus. Students use this room to help support their mental and spiritual health. In some religions prayer is a mandatory action, as you can imagine with the removal of SCT130 this will put a mental strain on us. This has ruined mine and possibly others university experience as our needs aren't meant.

    What change do we want to see/End goal ?

    1.As BCU student’s we would like a prayer room in the main Seacole campus. 2.These facilities need to be permanent, sanitary and a safe space for prayer. 3.The prayer room needs to be close to washing facilities as Muslim and Jewish people are required to purify/wash themselves before prayer. 4.Finally we would like this room to be open throughout university hours.

    We truly hope that this issue is addressed as the current arrangements are unacceptable.
Zoya Ali
4:12pm on 17 Dec 21 I completely agree! The prayer room needs to be brought into its rightful building!!!!
Samayyah Ali
4:15pm on 17 Dec 21 This is a really important cause and will help many students. It was quite unfair that the room was removed not long after it was provided. There is need for a place for all students to pray and take time out for contemplation. This will massively help mental health as well and will leave much happier students at BCU.
Habiba Kashem
4:16pm on 17 Dec 21 100% agree with this. I was on my way to pray at room SCT130 to only find out it’s no longer a faith room. I find it ridiculous how prayer facilities were moved from bevan to the main campus to only be moved back. This has made it inconvenient for me to practise my faith alongside my study as finding empty rooms can be quite difficult in the main campus. The other BCU university campus offer prayer facilities in their main building, this campus should too!
Hajrah Dhaled
4:23pm on 17 Dec 21 Yess I completely agree !! Very disappointed that a prayer room has not been provided on the Seacole building.
Saarah Rafiq
4:29pm on 17 Dec 21 I completely agreeee!! I truly hope this concern is addressed as it is disrupting my learning. Having to walk to the Bevan or Ravensbury building several times during the day means I am late for lectures and always running back and forth.
Mahdiyyah Zaheer
4:35pm on 17 Dec 21 I agree with this . There is a need for permanent faith space at the main city south building , it gets too difficult to continuously move to different buildings for prayer.
Sabaa Yasin
11:19am on 18 Dec 21 I don’t think it’s a lot to ask for considering how such a large amount of students are Muslims. I found the SCT130 to be perfect as I could go to and from my lectures on time. I don’t understand Why the new staff room created in SCT130 can’t move to Bevan/ Ravensbury building instead. I hope BCU takes their Muslim students concerns into account and take some action.
Grace Reynolds
1:43pm on 13 Jan 22 This Idea has reached 16 votes and will be passed to your Executive Officer team.
Anja Smeding
2:17pm on 15 Jan 22 I hope it will be given serious consideration by the University.
Jade Langton
2:37pm on 5 Jun 23 It has now been confirmed that the budget for the Seacole daily prayer space has been approved. The timeline at this time is still pending, it is anticipated that work will start to be carried out during the summer in preparation for September. For the Friday prayer space, the Drama Studio at South have been successfully booked to accommodate the needs of the prayer sessions.

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