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  • 24 score
    24 voters

    Limited food options

      I would like to suggest that the following food options be included in the food menu to allow for an inclusive student environment in the restaurants within the City South Campus (Seacole building) and City Centre campus for individuals from black and ethnic minorities backgrounds. This is due to the limited food options we have when visiting campus especially when we have long lecture days or need to study for long hours. I want to also kindly ask that they should also be made Halal or that this option be available in the meals requested below. Vegetable fried rice and chicken Rice and peas Jerk chicken Fried or grilled chicken wings Fried Plantain Spicy Chicken Tikka Toastie Thank you.
    Arshia Gholami
    11:57am on 29 Nov 21 I agree
    Tendy Bako
    1:11pm on 29 Nov 21 I agree
    Clara Mkandawire
    4:40pm on 29 Nov 21 Yes we need a variety of food please if possible. Thanks.
    Deena Baskin-Atkinson
    10:55am on 17 Dec 21 This Idea has reached 16 votes and will be passed to your Executive Officer team. Because of the winter holiday, they will pick this up and vote on it in January.
    Ehimwenma Oghenegborhe
    11:29am on 17 Dec 21 Thank you
    Helena Miranda Lopes Correia
    6:22pm on 18 Jan 22 I hope this idea gets the attention it needs! Agreed! Actually I would add onto this: Why isn't there a proper canteen - one (or several) organized canteens with several meals and prices for students? There should be such a place. Meal prices are over what they should for students.
    Jade Langton
    12:03pm on 14 Jun 23 The Students’ Union Officers have met with Catering Managers from different campuses as well as attended a catering tender with BCU. BCU has Approved the new catering tender with Baxterstorey. They will be bringing new changes to the food menu and facilities across all the campuses

    How it works


    Submit an idea... anything that could improve student experience is a valid idea.


    • You must be a BCU student, logged in using your student account
    • You can choose to submit anonymously, so your name won’t be displayed.
      BCUSU staff will still be able to see your name and email to contact you



    You will be contacted by one of the Activities and Representation Coordinators to discuss your idea and make any relevant changes to it.


    Your idea then goes live, here on the Ideas Board for other students to vote and comment.

    It will be live until:

    • it reaches 25 positive votes
      or your idea has been live for 6 months (whichever comes first)
    • Students can vote with a thumbs up (agree) or thumbs down (disagree)
    • Votes and comments will help the Executive Officer team make decisions



    If your idea reaches the 25-positive vote threshold:


    • it will be handed over to the Executive Officer team for review
    • they will discuss the idea and decide what action to take
    • the comments section will be updated with the agreed upon actions

    If an idea is raised to hold an Executive Officer to account, and it gains 25 positive votes, it will be reviewed at Scrutiny Group.

    For more information, please review our byelaws.

    hands waving in the air