This is when you claim back money you have spent on items for your society. Ideally these should be lower value claims, including things like refreshments for a meeting or materials for a society session. Larger value payments should be made using other means.
To make a reimbursement claim:
- Sign in to the BCUSU website.
- The Student Group Finance Module ('Finances') can be accessed by visiting the admin tools section of your society webpage.
- The dashboard will show you all of the current claims you have submitted and you can submit a new claim by pressing the New Money Request button.
- Select reimbursement from the Request type dropdown and complete the fields, making sure you associate it with an event at the top of the form.
- In the Item description field, let us know what the item(s) are. For example, 'Multipack of sweets'
- In the Justification field, let us know what the items were for, This could be specific, or more generic like 'food items for our event'
- If you have multiple receipts to upload relating to different purchases for the same event, you can click 'Add another item' at the bottom of the form and submit everything together.
- Once you've completed the form, press submit.
Following submission, your request will go to your society President or Treasurer to authorise before being sent on to the Activities and Representation team and then the Union's Finance team.
You can follow the progress of your request on your dashboard - if you can see that a claim has been referred back to you then have a look at the explanation and re-submit where appropriate.