Event Description


Housing Fair

We're bringing accommodation providers on-site to help you find your next home!
Tuesday 12 November 2024 11am - 3pm Curzon Atrium, Curzon Building
Graphic for Housing Fair. Image of person in a carboard box


Thinking about your accommodation for next year?

As part of Housing Week, we'll be bringing a number of different providers to campus so you see can what accommodations are available at the best prices.

There's loads of student halls around Birmingham, so it's important you don't rush into decisions and explore which locations will best suit you! 

Find the Fair in the Curzon Atrium, meet accommodation teams, ask any questions that can help you find your next home! 

Here's who will be there on the day:


Need housing advice?

Our Advice Team will have a stall at the Fair, so if you need any help with your tenancy contract or are having any other issues related to housing, drop-in.

Use the link below to contact them and for other useful housing information

Find housing advice



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