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BCUSU will be celebrating Black History Month under the national theme: Saluting our Sisters.

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The theme of ‘Saluting our Sisters’ highlights the crucial role that black women have played in shaping history, inspiring change, and building communities. This year’s celebration will showcase pioneering black women who have made remarkable contributions to literature, music, fashion, sport, business, politics, academia, social and health care, and more.

- Quote from




"Black History Month is a time to celebrate and honour the accomplishments and achievements of our black students. We celebrate and remember those individuals who have contributed immensely to the British history as well as challenging modern negative stereotypes. 

"Black History has formed a huge aspect of British culture today, and we have seen the incredible talent of our black students in the creative, music, literature, sports, healthcare, engineering, business and many more industries, and they will continue to inspire us. However, we should not restrain ourselves to October to celebrate black students, it should be an year-round celebration of support to black people in our community! 

"BCUSU are continuing to celebrate black people at BCU, and we have planned a wide range of events alongside the University to honour our black students. Your Officer Team have planned a Black Student Showcase where our black students can display their work, art, or businesses to students and staff. This will raise awareness of black culture at our university, alongside our societies such as: Afro-Caribbean Society, Nigeran Society, People of Colour Society, who will host events through the month. You can join these societies and other communities at anytime of your studies, not just Black History Month!”

Your Officer Team 




Useful resources

Black History Month UK

The UK's Black History Month organisation created for year long resources and coverage

Sounds of Black Britain

podcast series from The Black Curriculum

We Don't Settle

A Birmingham-based community group focussing on empowering young people in minority groups


An organisation created for Black women in the photography industry

Birmingham Museum's Windrush exhibition

This exhibition focuses on the impact that Windrush had on the city





Black History Month Spotify Playlist

Your VP Equity & Inlusion, with the help of society members, has created a playlist which some of the world's favourite Black artists and some artists you ought to know!

Listen now!
The Equity & Inclusion officer, Pravjoth Gill

Useful Societies
