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Luke's Officer update

Check out what your Officer Team has been up to this term...

Image of BCUSU's Vice President Academic Experience, Luke McCombe


Here's some of what I've been working on this year so far...

Read Luke's profile

Throughout the last few months, I've been working hard to meet my manifesto goals and ensure that you are well represented academically. Here are just some of the results I've been able to achieve so far:

Lecture capture - coming in 2024...

At the start of my role I was able to help confirm a timeline for implementation of lecture capture at BCU – receiving a commitment from the University that technology would be available by Easter 2024. I've been able to provide support in ensuring that this process could be moved on as efficiently as possible and I'm excited for the process to be rolled out for students next year.

Securing this commitment, in many ways, completed one of my manifesto objectives for the year – but to ensure lecture capture would be available as soon as possible for academics, I have worked with BCU's IT team to develop an interim solution using Microsoft Teams, which hopefully will help implement as university guidance by January 2024.

Timetabling - earliest release!

Going into office I had the goal of helping improve the visibility of timetables for all students. To do this, I worked with the Directorate of Student and Academic Services (DSaAS) to see what he could do to help.

By working closely with them, I've helped improve the visibility of Faculty Student Centres, who have a direct responsibility with timetabling, worked on improving timetable change requests and on improving attendance monitoring letters to be more friendly. They also worked to resolve student timetabling queries when they were raised, taking a hands-on approach to ensure that every student who came to them walked away with a satisfactory resolution.

From working closely with the timetabling team in the summer, I helped to release students' timetables before September - earliest in BCU's recent history - helping students prepare ahead of teaching starting. As a member of BCU's timetable task and finish group, I aim to ensure that timetables are released consistently early in future semesters also.

Improving personal tutoring 

My third manifesto point was to increase personal tutoring visibility for all students. Using student data, recent literature, and through creating a sector report on personal tutoring throughout the UK, I created a comprehensive document listing some of the most effective ways in which BCU could implement a better, more efficient, more visible Personal Tutoring system.

The document was drafted as both a report and as a mock policy. I delivered the report to the Learning and Teaching Quality Committee (LTAQC) to provoke discussion on best practices for Personal Tutoring, where it was well received, and allowed for further action to improve Personal Tutoring at BCU.

Postgraduate Researcher Representation - new Rep system

While not part of my manifesto, I wanted to improve the representation and show value to BCU's Postgraduate Researcher population. By working with Beccy Boydell, of the Doctoral Research College, we've developed a brand-new elected Rep System for PGR students, ensuring that their voices are heard just as well as undergraduate students.

Academic Society representation

This year, I wanted to ensure that all Academic Societies felt that they were being properly represented and cared for as an important and valued part of BCUSU.

I've worked with many Academic Societies to help start them up, increase their membership, secure funding and employability opportunities from their associated colleges. I have also created an Academic Society Council for all society Presidents to talk with each other, collaborate, and go to for support. The council also gives me the chance to regularly check-in with each society.

Artificial Intelligence 

I have been at the forefront of all conversations surrounding Artificial Intelligence usage at BCU. Acting as an advisor to the University on the issue, I've helped inform documents surrounding student and staff usage of AI and have advocated for more comprehensive policy on misuse of AI – particularly for neurodiverse and international students, who are at a higher risk of being falsely accused of AI plagiarism.

In addition to this, I have led on a campaign to help students understand more about how to use Artificial Intelligence in a sensible way at university, delivering workshops, stalls, and informational surveys about AI usage, while providing flyers talking about the university’s policy on AI.

Read my update from earlier this year

Responding to student queries

In addition to all of the work I've done so far, I have taken ample time to help student queries from all faculties on the way their courses are handled – from courses in HELS talking about AI misuse to courses in ADM and BLSS that have been accused of negligence, I've been working hard to ensure that every course is performing with student experience at the heart of what it does.

Some key meetings

A big part of my role is to represent students' best interests at various meetings, such as the Board of Governors, LTAQC, and the Academic Board to name but a few. At these meetings, I consistently use student data to question the University’s approach towards a number of different confidential issues, putting you at the centre of every discussion.  

So… What’s next?

Beyond the key campaigns mentioned in this report, I still have some very exciting plans to best represent your academic needs. I have my eye set on dealing with equally important issues such as Academic Moderation and Diversity in assessments. I also have plans to find new ways to ensure that you can be involved in informing current and new campaigns wherever possible – so watch this space for more information coming soon from me!


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