General Election 2024: Here's everything you need to know as a student to cast your vote.

Planning an Event

Image of people planting a tree

Planning a society event

Planning an event for your society requires input from a number of parties - this form has been created to help you and your coordinator to create a successful event that runs smoothly.

The form contains details of procedures you need to follow for one-off events that sit separately to your regular society meetings. Please make sure you complete it fully before you submit it.

Event bookings need a minimum of two weeks to be considered. If you have a justifiable reason for booking an event with less than two weeks notice, please speak to your society coordinator first.

There are also links underneath to a number of other areas that may be useful to you when thinking about making a booking.


Society Event Planning Form


Any ratified society is able to invite external speakers onto campus to interact with society members.

We will consider requests in line with the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023.

This act makes provision in relation to freedom of speech and academic freedom in higher education institutions and in students’ unions. 

This form should be used by committee's to request access for an external speaker to come on campus for a society event.

Please note that any external speaker requests have to be approved by both the Students' Union and the University security team. Because of this, they can take up to two weeks to be processed so please consider this when planning your event and plan as far in advance as possible.

External speakers should NOT be advertised until you have received confirmation that they can come on campus.


Access the External Speaker Form

Please use the form below to complete a basic risk assessment for your activity.

Please note; some activities undertaken will need a more detailed risk assessment - if this is the case, your coordinator will contact you to let you know.


Risk Assessment Form

The documents below are useful for societies looking to host events. Click on the link to download the document.

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