
Student using phone

Request a change to your semester 2 timetable

Requests can now be made to change your timetable for major changes in your day to day life

Overhead view of Curzon B study area


Acessing your timetable...

Enrolled students should be able to view their timetable now. Not enrolled yet? Enrol as soon as possible to access your semester 2 timetables

It is best recommended to view your timetable through iCity (via safari or google chrome), and iBCU app (download here).

Access your timetable by visiting iCity and clicking ‘My timetable’ on the top left. You should then see your lectures, seminars and workshops for Semester 2 and 3.


Requesting a change to your timetable

The request form is now open to request a change to your timetable. Before submitting your request, make sure you read all the terms and FAQs from the timetabling team.

Requests will not be accepted for the following:

  • Holidays, house moves, or other planned events outside of the University’s remit.
  • Requests to condense teaching into fewer days for full time students, for any reasons such as work, travel, etc.
  • Personal preference
  • Requests to be in the same group as friends or housemates
  • Time management – to adjust start and end times of teaching, or due to timing of other classes
  • Minor life events, unless the circumstances are having a disproportionate impact
  • Where reasonable adjustments under a Disability Support Summary or occupational health assessment have already been made, unless there is or has been a sudden or unexpected worsening of the condition
  • If a change has already been requested, unless there is a significant change in the circumstances or their impact.

Reasons which may be accepted are:

  • Major changes in your day-to-day life
  • Existing conditions or disabilities that make timetabling inaccessible
  • New or changing circumstances that make timetabling inaccessible (e.g. the development of a major illness)

The form is available for students 4 weeks from the day enrolment starts. After that time change requests will not be accepted.

Problems with your timetable?

If you feel you have a problem with your timetable, or a reason to change something, please visit your Faculty Student Centre not your Course Leader:

P306, Level 3, Parkside Building
+44 (0)121 331 5719
C335 Level 3, Curzon Building
+44 (0)121 331 6488

STEAMHouse, Level 3, CST318
+44 (0)121 300 4007

Seacole Building, Level 0, SCT002
+44 (0)121 331 7105

Having trouble viewing your timetable?


After your request...

  • You'll receive an email confirming that your request has been received

  • Your request will then be reviewed by an authorised Faculty staff member within 2-3 days

  • Rejection or approval will be sent via email

"If you don't get an answer about your request within 3 days, please contact your Faculty Student Centre immediately" - Shoukat Mehsud, Vice President Academic Experience

Please note: Until you receive an email notification indicating the outcome of your request, you should continue to follow your current timetable and attend all activities as they are scheduled. Your timetable is not officially changed until you receive approval confirmation. 

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